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Drupal implementation of jQuery LocalScroll plugin created by Ariel Flesler.

Important update 2012.10.17:
The jquery project was moved to the github, and started active development and refactoring, especially the filename-directory structure was affected. See the README of this module for details.

With module floating block you can build make easy menus like this:

This module provides a basic interface for plugin settings.

  1. Set global: Plugin is always used, when url contains hash:
  2. Add css id: You can set css id's of menus, wherein the plugin will be activated. Eg. #main-menu - means that main menu items contains #hash will trigger the scroll plugin.
  3. Hash: If true, the hash of the clicked link, will appear on the address bar once the animation ends.
  4. Duration: The time of the animation.
  5. Offset: A number of pixels will be added to the final position.

jQuery waypoints integration:

With the jQuery waypoints module you can set:

  • Update the active menu item, when the target is reached by normal scroll.
  • Update the hash in address bar when the target is reached by normal scroll.

@todo: implement other plugin settings



  1. Download the jQuery.ScrollTo plugin.
  2. Extract to the sites/all/libraries/jquery.scrollTo directory.
  3. Download the jQuery.LocalScroll plugin.
  4. Extract to the sites/all/libraries/jquery.localScroll directory.
  5. Install module as usual.
  6. Go to admin/config/user-interface/jquery_localscroll to configure plugin

Release blockers

#1795214: Jump on scroll up - need some help - if this small thing could be fixed, the module could turn from red into green..

Sites using this module: (under development)

Originally based on:
This plugin contains the jquery scrollto plugin too, therefore you can use this module as D7 version of jquery_scrollto

Developed for MSZTE, sponsored by Macroweb Internet Consulting (hu).

Project information
