This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The Latest Members module creates a block that you can use to show the latest members pictures (user pictures) on your site. You can also configure the block to show the number of pictures that you prefer. The default number of new user pictures is 6.

The Latest Members module does something similar to the Avatar Gallery module but with a different approach: it doesn't make use of an image map, simply a themeable set of user pictures.

Once you enable the Latest Members module, you can go to "administer » site building » blocks » latest members" where you can configure the number of latest users to show in the block.

The module output can be customized by overriding the theme_latest_members() function.

 * @param $accounts
 * array of user pictures
function theme_latest_members($accounts) {
  $output = '<div class="latest-members">' . implode(' ', $accounts) . '</div>'; 
  return $output;

Initial development was done by dangibas and completely rewritten by toemaz according to the Drupal coding standards.

Module Available For Drupal 6.x

There is now a stable version for Drupal 6.x.

Drupal 7 Version

Planned pending demand as something similar can now be achieved with Views Module for example the members directory and blocks used here Hydrops Support Group.

Project information
