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Lists is a feature-rich list building module - think listmania, top 10s, watch lists, wish lists, to do lists, or any other type of list you can think of. It provides a fully-themeable user interface to let you and your users create lists, add things to lists, add list entry details, order list entries etc, all in the most convenient way possible. By using pluggable "list handlers" lists can be backed by any existing Drupal collection type (CCK reference fields, nodequeues, flags, etc) or you can supply your own!

STATUS: The 6.x-1.x-dev version is currently usable but most definitely still in development and not production-ready.


  • Users can create their own lists (or not): set limits and permissions for each list type.
  • Easy list creation and entry addition with UI designed to cater for one-click list creation, input of new list details, input of entry details, add-to-list selection from any number of permissible lists etc.
  • Entity-centric list-building UI - e.g. "Add to list" node/user/comment links.
  • Rich UI + familiar UX using jQuery UI split buttons and dialogs via optional sub-module (similar to Ebay and Amazon.
  • "My lists" user account sub-page.
  • Abitrary list entry ordering via drag and drop.
  • Configurable list types can be created with different back-ends (pluggable list handlers) and capabilities for different purposes.
  • Lists can be nodes or a custom type.*
  • Import and export of configured list types via Features and Strongarm.
  • Add nodes/users/comments/+more to lists - add any supported entity type via pluggable entity handlers.*
  • Mix entity types within lists.*

* Dependent on list handler and configuration.

Sub modules

  • Simple list handler: list handler with support for basic list details, basic list entry details, any entity type, mixed entity types per list. Can be used as is or as a template for custom list implementations.
  • CCK reference list handler: list handler which uses nodes to store lists and CCK node and user reference fields for storing list entries.
  • Lister UI: theming module that uses jQuery split buttons and dialogs to provide a familiar list building user experience.


  • CTools
  • For the Lister UI sub-module: jQuery UI with the 1.8 jQuery UI library installed (see sub-module README.txt)
  • For the CCK reference list handler sub-module: CCK + CCK Node reference and/or CCK User reference.

Project information
