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This module provide features to create MailChimp campaigns from a node content.

The module is usable (the developers are using it on production sites), but not ready yet, it's under active development, so many changes will come...
Please try it out, send feedback!


  1. Create MailChimp campaigns from a node content.
  2. List the campaigns attached to a node.
  3. Send campaigns.
  4. Delete campaigns.
  5. Campaign creation settings:
    • MailChimp mailing list
    • From name, from email
    • Template ID
    • Template section ID-s for node title and node content
  6. Sitewide campaign creation settings
  7. Campaign creation settings by node type
  8. Campaign creation settings before create a campaign
  9. Campaigns are entities
  10. Node display type for campaigns, so fields can has different display settings in a campaign and on the site
  11. node--mcc.tpl.php for theming the campaigns



Click for screenshots


  • Refactor theme hooks
  • Campaigns list on admin pages
  • Campaign information display redesign (campaigns list)
  • Send test
  • Update already created campaign content
  • Better and simpler template handling
  • Better version control
  • Batch campaign data refreshing
  • Campaign statistics



Development sponsored by Integral Vision Ltd.
Maintainer: Márton Juhász (Désiré)

Project information
