Example of menuclass usage: building a tag-cloud-like menu

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Notice: This module is obsolete and will not receive any more updates. It is suggested to use the Menu attributes module instead.

Those who wish to migrate from this module to Menu attributes can use the development snapshot which will attempt to automate the migration. Don't forget to backup your site and read the instructions!

Those who wish to stay with this unsupported module might be interested in the wontfix issues as they might contain patches written by the community to fix bugs or add features.

Old description before this module was phased out:

This module provides that ability to add custom HTML classes to menu items.

An example for it's usage would be that a themer wants to create a menu that links to downloadable items and wants the link to have a different image for each file type - this module provides an interface for adding HTML classes such as "document" and "spreadsheet" to these menu items, which the themer can then style using CSS.

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