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Allows you to suppress drupal_set_message()'s, at which point they are saved to be displayed and/or dismissed from a block.


Settings for which messages, and which users to affect:

  • Ignore User #1's messages.
  • Ignore users of certain role(s).
  • By message type (status, warning, error).

Configure the output:

  • Table view
  • List view

Snazzy ajax delete button allows you to clear the history without multiple page loads.


All settings are under:
Configuration -> User Interface -> Messages to Block settings

Similar Modules

Comparison of modules around drupal_set_message():

Why Messages to Block then?

With so many things to configure in Drupal already, I am a huge fan of 0-config. There are some settings to fine tune the behavior; otherwise this works out of the box for most cases just by turning it on.

Project information
