A screenshot of the reference basket with two fields and two nodes added to each field.

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For sites with a large number of nodes, this module helps content maintainers build references between nodes using a user interface similar to a shopping-cart. Any nodereference CCK field can optionally be maintained through this basket, which an author can enable when viewing a node they are allowed to edit, and then follows them around the site while they add things to the basket.

Users can add content to their basket using the provided block as well as links that can be made available through the Views module. They can at any time click a link in their basket to reorder the contents of their basket and remove unwanted items. Once the user is done, they click 'Save' in their basket and the target node is updated and the user is redirected to that node.

Multiple nodereference fields can be enabled per content type, allowing the basket to have multiple "Add" buttons - for example, an "Add as Foo" button for a "Foo" field, as well as an "Add as Bar" for a "Bar" field. Both fields can be updated at the same time from the reorder/delete field, where each field has it's own draggable table.


The Views module is also recommend but not required.

Project information
