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Map LDAP DNs or RDNs to Organic groups. This module is working in a production environment with Active Directory.

Usage examples:

OG LDAP Settings:
Mapping of LDAP groups to Organic Groups:
cn=group1,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com|Group 1
cn=group2,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com|Group 2

The above example maps the dn 'cn=group1,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com' to 'Group 1' organic group.

cn=group1,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com has an attribute with value 'DrupalOG'
cn=group2,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com has an attribute with value 'DrupalOG'

OG LDAP settings:
Attribute: description
Value: DrupalOG

The above example gets all LDAP groups that match the attribute - value, and turns the cn into the group.
So, cn=group2,ou=OG,dc=example,dc=com creates an organic group called group 2.


This module requires LDAP groups module, which is part of LDAP integration. It must be configured to work with the groups on your on LDAP server.

At the moment, the organic groups are not created in bulk. The groups that don't exist in Drupal are only created once an LDAP user logs in that is a group member in LDAP. In future I'll add a cron hook to pull all groups from LDAP.

Developed by Egressive with support from Plant & Food Research and Richmond New Zealand.

Project information
