This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is designed to allow users to specify a series of dates they want to receive e-mail reminders for. Each user is able to enter events by going to their account page and at the site level there is a setting for how many days in advance of each event the reminders will be sent. Reminder notices will automatically be sent on a yearly recurring basis.

Currently the reminder is only sent at the time interval set by the site owner and not on a per user or event basis. This is done by design as the initial intended use for this product is for e-commerce site owners to send a notification with enough lead time for a user to place an order.

Email notifications are sent when cron is run and at that time the "notification sent" box will be checked. Only site admins can see the "notification sent" box and it is meant as a troubleshooting tool to show that it did process the request and allow for a way to manually reset this flag. After the event has passed the "notification sent" box will automatically be set back to false so that the event can send again in one year.

Please note that due to an issue with the way the Field Collections module handles boolean fields, you may need to run the following two patches to avoid creating empty events.


Project information
