Lipsum Pixum

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The Plixum™ module is a slip of the tongue for Pixum Lipsum.

A development tool to generate pixum lipsum blocks and allow a theme developer or site builder to rapidly build dummy static blocks during prototyping before having a chance to start coding, or building the real production blocks.

Plixum is the missing piece from the amazing Devel Generate. However it does not require Devel to function.

Warning: Like any development tool, this module is meant for local to staging developments, and should never reach production.


  1. Multiple block instances.
  2. Regenerate/randomize lorem ipsum text per block instance.
  3. Attach local images into block to have a real simulation of design.
  4. Image styles and positions: top, right, bottom, left, or absolute.
  5. Insert Drupal HTML elements preset into block textarea. If using WYSWYG, you may want to enable "Apply source formatting" to re-format the HTML source code.
  6. A local image storage or library to pull images out from, available to each Plixum block.


  1. Administration > Configuration > Development > Generate Plixum blocks
    a. Generate blocks.
    b. Define path to local image library.
  2. Administration > Structure > Blocks
    a. Assign blocks to any regions.
    b. Randomize lipsum text, or append Drupal HTML elements at click.
    c. Select image, image style and image position.


1. Drupal core optional image.module should be enabled.


  • Styleguide for some HTML elements code.
  • Design and Devel for lorem ipsum greeking code.
  • Drupal core for some custom block code.

Project information
