Screenshot of Portal Theme
Screenshot showing options

THIS THEME IS ONLY FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE PAGES:(user/login) (user/register) and (user/password)

This project comprises a very simple theme designed to accompany a particular use-case scenario.

The Portal theme is designed for websites which are members only and functions best with the aid of a couple of other projects.

The ideal use-case scenario is as follows:

Then install the theme and setup as follows:

  • Setup r4032login to redirect Access Denied errors back to the login
  • Setup an access control module to prevent 'anonymous' users from accessing any content
  • Setup ThemeKey to use the Portal theme for 'user/login', 'user/register' and 'user/password'
  • Setup Login Destination to send users to your 'home' page after login.
  • Setup user/login as the front page for anonymous users. Set your usual home page as front for other users as required

Any questions or comments are welcome in the issue queue along with bug reports and feature requests.

The theme has settings for logo display, title display and to display the civicrm logo/powered by text as required.


Development is currently sponsored by MJCO Limited.

MJCO Limited

Project information
