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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Layout Builder Styles


This module allow site builders to select from a list of styles to apply to layout builder blocks and layout builder sections.

Transliterate filenames for uploads

The "Transliterate Filenames for Uploads" module is obsolete with Drupal core >= 10.2. All features of this module are now in core.

Path Breadcrumbs

Settings form

Path Breadcrumbs module helps you to create breadcrumbs for any page with any selection rules and load any entity from the URL!


  • Breadcrumbs navigation may be added to any kind of page: static (example: node/1) or dynamic (example: node/%nid).
  • You can load contexts from URL and use it like tokens for breadcrumb path or title.
  • You can use selection rules for every breadcrumbs navigation.
  • Module supports ALL tokens from Entity tokens module (part of Entity module).
  • Module provides magic token "pb-join" for taxonomy hierarchy (1) and complete menu trail (2).
  • You can import/export breadcrumbs (supports single operations, Features and Ctools bulk export).
  • Breadcrumbs can be cloned to save you time while building navigation.
  • Module provides rich snippets support for breadcrumbs (RDFa and Microdata).
  • Module provides first/last/odd/even classes to every breadcrumb link.
  • You can change breadcrumbs delimiter.
  • Breadcrumbs could be hidden if they contain only one element.
  • You can disable breadcrumbs and enable them later.
  • All breadcrumb titles are translatable.
  • Ctools API & Path Breadcrumbs API

Entity Browser Enhance(d|r)

Entity Browser Enhanced Module

This module provides some behavior and style enhancements to Entity Browsers, specifically for multiselect and image/media browsers.

Automatic Nodetitles

Automatic Nodetitles is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of the content title field in the form. To prevent empty content title fields one can configure it to generate the title by a given pattern.

Profile 2

Designed to be the successor of the core profile module, which is deprecated for Drupal 7. In contrast to the deprecated module this module provides a new, fieldable 'profile' entity - leverage the power of fields!


Comparison to user account fields

As described in the documentation Drupal 7 allows adding fields to user account pages - what serves as simple way for building user profiles. The main differences between that and profile2 are:

  • With profile2 user account settings and user profiles are conceptually different things, e.g. with the "Profile pages" module enabled users get two separate menu links "My account" and "My profile".
  • Profile2 allows for creating multiple profile types, which may be assigned to roles via permissions (e.g. a general profile + a customer profile)
  • Profile2 supports private profile fields, which are only shown to the user owning the profile and to administrators.

Relationship to content profile

Media Entity File Replace

Edit form for a document media entity showing the "replace file" form widget

This module allows content editors to easily replace the source files associated with file-based media types (like "Document").

Structure Sync

Screenshot of custom blocks import/export admin screen

Some websites might contain elements that are considered content by the Drupal CMS while they might not only be used as content. For example custom blocks might be used for a footer that is shared between all environments. Structure sync tries to give you a tool to get around this issue by allowing you to synchronize taxonomy terms, menu links and custom blocks through the configuration.


The Lightbox2 module is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on most modern browsers.

Gallery formatter


Gallery formatter provides a CCK formatter for image fields, which will turn any image field into a jQuery Gallery.

(Drupal 6) Watch the screencast for a demo of how to set it up REMOVED BY BLIP.TV!, or visit the demo page for seeing it in action.


  • Two imagecache presets which will work out of the box beautifully.
  • The thumbnails run under an infinite carousel.
  • Degrades gracefully without JS enabled, the gallery still works.
  • Integrated out of the box with thickbox, colorbox (recommended as the thickbox upgrade path), shadowbox and lightbox2 for the view full links.
  • Works with the swfupload, image_fupload, and imagefield_crop widgets.
  • A hook for modules to provide styles for the galleries.
  • Two options for styles, no style and a green arrows style. No style should be used for developing your own styles.

Stage File Proxy

Stage File Proxy is a general solution for getting production files on a development server on demand. It saves you time and disk space by sending requests to your development environment's files directory to the production environment and making a copy of the production file in your development site. You should not need to enable this module in production.


The Group module allows you to create arbitrary collections of your content and users on your site and grant access control permissions on those collections

GMap Module


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Cache Expiration

Common settings form, module settings

This module provides configurable actions upon events that will expire URLs from caches like reverse proxy caches, internal page caches, etc.This module make more sense when Minimum Cache Lifetime setting is set to a value other than none.

There is now integration with the following modules:

  • Boost - deletes expired pages (files) from the file system.
  • Varnish - integrates over an administrative socket.
  • Fastly - Varnish/CDN caching
  • Purge - expires urls by sending purge requests to Varnish, Squid and Nginx over HTTP.
  • Acquia Purge - allows Drupal sites hosted on Acquia Cloud to automatically purge pages from their Varnish powered load balancers..
  • Memcache Storage - allows to delete pages that were cached in a memcached instances.
  • Akamai - provides an integration with the Akamai Cache Control Utility (CCU) Web Service
  • Recacher - Page cache warmer.

Module's features may extend if next modules are enabled:

  • Drush - provides drush commands to expire urls (xp-url), paths (xp-path), nodes (xp-node), users (xp-user), comments (xp-comment) from the command line shell and scripts.
  • Rules - provides actions for the Rules module to allow more advanced cache expiration scenarios.
  • Token - provides modal dialog with list of available tokens.
  • References and Entity reference - module may expire referenced entities' urls.


The WYSIWYG Filter module provides an input filter that allows site administrators configure which HTML elements, attributes and style properties are allowed. It also may add rel="nofollow" to posted links based on filter options. It can do so with no additional parsing on user input. That is, it may apply nofollow rules while parsing HTML elements and attributes.



This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

Module maintainer @podarok

The Location module allows real-world geographic locations to be associated with Drupal nodes, including people, places, and other content. The Location module allows admins to collect addresses, geocode them (translate addresses to lattitude/longitude), and associate locations with Drupal nodes and users. Location data is automatically used to generate GeoRSS within your existing RSS feeds.

We need help from developers with #1931088: [META] Fixing tests

#1940818: [META] Location 7.x-3.6 release roadmap
#2127933: [META][SPRINT][Location] Documentation sprint

At present, it is the only module that provides the views integration necessary for implementing location-based searches and is designed for the purpose of finding points on a map within a vicinity of a user-supplied location.  If you are interested in the presentation and manipulation of geographic data beyond points (e.g., lines, polygons, etc) I would recommend using the geofield and open layers modules.

Important location search change: For those using the location search sub-module, as of location 6.x-3.2 and 7.x-3.0-alpha1 users must have the "access content" permission and any relevant node access rights to see node based location search results and the "view user profiles" and "view all user locations" permissions to see user based location search results.

If updating from earlier versions and using location search, make sure to check these permissions.

CKEditor Templates

Module screenshots

This module integrates the Ckeditor templates plugin.

It provides a dialog to offer predefined content templates - with page layout, text formatting and styles. Thus, end users can easily insert pre-defined snippets of html in CKEditor fields.

No Request New Password

No Request New Password Settings

Remove "Request new password" link from block and user page.

Queue UI

Queue UI

A user interfaces for viewing and managing Drupal queues created via the Queue API, which began in Drupal 7.


  • View queues and number of items
  • Developers can define meta info about queues they create and process
  • Process queue with Batch API
  • Process queue during cron
  • Remove leases
  • Delete queue

Empty Front Page

By default Drupal fills the front page with the latest content from your site.

This module modifies the front page to have an empty page. This way, only the blocks will be displayed.

SpamSpan filter

The SpamSpan module obfuscates email addresses to help prevent spambots from
collecting them. It is based on the technique from
spamspan but has undergone major modifications, as the original spamspan code hasn't been updated since 2007.

Autocomplete Deluxe

Autocomplete Deluxe - Claro admin theme

This is an enhanced autocomplete element, that uses the jQuery UI autocomplete. It will also implement a widget for taxonomy.

Views Aggregator Plus

As the Views and Views Calc modules rely on the database to perform aggregation, you only have limited options at your disposal.
As the great Merlin himself said: "You can't aggregate a PHP expression in the database.  :/ ".
That's where Views Aggregator Plus comes in. In addition to what Views and Views Calc do, this module:

  • enumerates group members
  • produces tallies, i.e. textual histograms
  • aggregates on Views PHP code-snippet evalutations
  • can filter out result rows on regexp patterns
  • gives you sorting on Views' Math expressions
  • can process Webform submissions
  • lets you add your own custom aggregation functions

... and it puts summary statistics at the bottom of your aggregated table as well!
