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1,103 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Harmony Search

Allows for the searching of Harmony content when used with Search

Entity Reference Typeahead

This module defines a new form element type, called "entityreference_typeahead",

Facet api compact filter

This module gives you the ability to control facet API filters in a compact block.

You can:

Autocomplete POST

Drupal 6 and 7 still exhibit longstanding quirks with autocomplete fields (where search results appear in a popup list as you type). For the most part autocomplete fields work as-advertised, but somehow they get confused by the humble slash ( / ) character.

In Drupal 6 everything following the first slash in your autocomplete field will be ignored in the autocomplete query. The reason this happens is because autocomplete sends its query to Drupal as a path component, and the Drupal path system throws away anything following the first slash (even if the slash was encoded, which it isn't anyway).

In Drupal 7 the problem is less serious but still wrong. Trailing slashes are ignored in the autocomplete query, so you can't do an autocomplete on the slash character by itself, or as the last character in an autocomplete query.

Autocomplete Hack

Drupal 6 and 7 still exhibit longstanding quirks with autocomplete fields (where search results appear in a popup list as you type). For the most part autocomplete fields work as-advertised, but somehow they get confused by the humble slash ( / ) character.

In Drupal 6 everything following the first slash in your autocomplete field will be ignored in the autocomplete query. The reason this happens is because autocomplete sends its query to Drupal as a path component, and the Drupal path system throws away anything following the first slash (even if the slash was encoded, which it isn't anyway).

In Drupal 7 the problem is less serious but still wrong. Trailing slashes are ignored in the autocomplete query, so you can't do an autocomplete on the slash character by itself, or as the last character in an autocomplete query.

ApacheSolr Views Statistics

Extension for Apache Solr View Drupal module to work with statistics module.

Search PDF


Specifically designed to index pdf files, Search PDF in built on PDF Parser, an opensource php library.
PDF Files are parsed and the text is extracted from each page.
The main advantage from this module is that it doesn't required external tool.

Lucene Library

Lucene logo

Lucene library is a general purpose text search engine written entirely in PHP 5 by Zend.

Ajax facets - Fork

Fork of Ajax facets to attempt to introduce a more minimalistic / more integrated approach.


New features: A function can be run after tag added or removed and features module integration.

This is a module that uses the jquery tagit plugin to enable autocomplete and freetext on a text field of your choice. The module has an interface enabling multiple tagit fields per site. This implementation of tagit requires that you provide an autocomplete url. Since drupal comes with very few autocomplete urls by default, then useful autocompletes may only be possible by creating your own, therefore use of this module may be limited by access to or ability to create your own autocomplete.

Module sponsored by NZ Council for Educational Research

Some features of tagit which are an improvement over drupal default autocompletes:

  • Tagit provides 'chosen' type keyword entries for text fields to provide a supplement to the chosen module which applies only to select fields.
  • If you hit submit before the autocomplete finishes you do not get a jquery http error

To make this module work you will need to create your own custom autocomplete of the type:

function MYMODULE_keyword_autocomplete($string) {
$matches = array();
if ($string) {
$result = db_query("SELECT keyword_name FROM {my_keyword_bank}
WHERE keyword_name LIKE :pattern1
OR keyword_name LIKE :pattern2

FacetAPI Views

Expose facets to be displayed using views.



Development Updates

The current version of the module now supports GELF or Graylog2 search and statistics for watchdog messages.

The 8.x-1.x-dev release doesn't supports GELF.


Logman is a module which provides a better UI for searching dblog and/or GELF based watchdog messages and includes apache log search. The UI is intended to provide easy search of log messages with more information. The UI can be used to search both the watchdog and apache log messages.

Module provides a UI on every page indicating count of number of dblog and/or GELF based watchdog messages grouped by severity.

Module also provides a statistics page with google column charts on dblog and/or GELF based watchdog and apache access log data.

Summary of features provided.
- Watchdog based log search
- Apache access log search
- Statistics page based on apache access log and watchdog log
- Page UI that appear on each (only for users with permission and can be disabled), as an alert for number of watchdog based log messages for that page grouped by severity.

This version of the module provides search and statistics facilities for watchdog messages logged in dblog or GELF.

Other similar modules and how Logman is different

Following are links to some the similar modules:

Lunr exposed filters

Lunr settings

- Unused values in the exposed filters are removed
- Warning: Filter identifier has to match field name
- Mimics facet summary

Search API Domain Access filter


This module adds an extra field "Domain Access Information" to the Search API index "Fields" tab.

Autocomplete Feedback

This module extends the feedback provided by Drupal's autocomplete functionality by displaying a message when an autocomplete search returns no results.

Shared Content

The project Shared Content introduces technology to build a content sharing network.

Global Text Search

Provides a mechanism to search fields for strings of text. Example uses are to look for hard-coded absolute domain names, etc.

Profile Field Search

This module allows you to search for users directly via text fields in their profile or profile2.

Search API Statistics

Integrates with Search API and Facet API to log search queries and facet clicks.

Search Engine Referers

Search Engine Referers

Visitors find your site with a search engine. Are you interested in what they were searching for?

Search Engine Referers is a simple module to view the search engine queries used by your visitors. It parses the referer URLs of popular search engines in you access log and extracts the search queries. Currently supported: Google, Yahoo!,,,
