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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache)

Authcache Flowchart

The Authcache module offers page caching for both anonymous users and logged-in authenticated users. This allows Drupal/PHP to only spend 1-2 milliseconds serving pages, greatly reducing server resources.

Please note that enabling authenticated user caching will require modifying how your user-customized content displays on your pages. You should be an experienced Drupal developer if you choose to implement the full functionality of this module.

How does it work?

Authcache saves the final rendered HTML of a page to serve visitors. A separate cache is created for each user role as defined by the administrator, so some roles can be excluded if necessary.

Authcache places priority on serving pages to the visitor as fast as possible. After a page is loaded by the browser, a second HTTP request may be performed via Ajax. This initiates a lightweight DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION that allows SQL queries to be executed (such as updating the user "history" table or node "statistics" table), and returns any user-customized data to the page (such as form tokens or default values on a contact form).

External Data Source

External data source

The External Data Source module provides a generic plugin for adding data gathered from an outside or third parties web service to Drupal Fields options.

Clear Cache

Cache Clear

This is a basic drupal module.
Empties cached tables, rebuilds the menu cache and theme registries, and invokes a hook so that other modules' that cache data can be cleared as well.


MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller. Small integers are encoded into a single byte, and typical short strings require only one extra byte in addition to the strings themselves.

Max Image Size

This module will resize uploaded images to be below the set dimensions. It is not an image style or other presentation layer module.

Amazon Simple Queue Service

Here, write an introduction that summarizes the purpose and function of this project with a focus on users brand new to Drupal. Answer the question: What solution does this module provide?

Custom Field

Example form

Defines a new Custom Field field type that lets you create simple inline multiple-value fields without having to use entity references.


Logo Turbodrop

Add the HOTWIRE TURBO framework to your drupal project. The speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript. Install, activate and you're done.

Varnish Purger AWS


Varnish Purger module extension to identify servers built on AWS, specifically using EC2.

Page Range 404

The normal Drupal behavior on paginated displays when a request is made for an invalid page number is to serve the last available page to the user.

Bootstrap optimizer

Before optimization

Switching to Drupal 7.50 makes this module obsolete, the performance issue was fixed in that version of Drupal core.

Cache Object API

This module provides a cache class exposing hooks allowing other code to intercept calls to the caching layer.


The AmazonS3 module allows the local file system to be replaced with S3. Uploads are saved into the drupal file table using D7's file/stream wrapper system.

You can also use it with other S3 compatible cloud storage services such as Google Cloud Storage.

Composer Forced

Composer Forced

Allows your website to have update manager enabled but totally disables ALL updates from the Drupal UI.


MongoDB Inc. logo

The MongoDB module suite for Drupal 10 stores data in MongoDB instead of the default Drupal SQL database.

For Drupal 10 site administrators

It means a faster Drupal and better logs, without a line of code.

  • it provides a more usable user interface to access logs, and a faster database logging than core, without the complexities associated with external logging mechanisms like the Elastic Stack (BELK).
  • it provides a faster implementation of the Drupal Key-Value store and Queue API
  • overall, it provides a simple way to reduce the load on your SQL database server, without needing complex configuration or having to write a single line of code.

For Drupal 10 project developers

It means easy project development using MongoDB.

Tome Forms

This module allows Drupal forms to be exported a Tome static site, with the form submission handled in a variety of ways.

Drupal Performance Monitoring (Elastic APM)

Drupal Performance Monitoring

this module use apm-agent-php it enables the site to trace the execution of operations , sending performance m

Entity Cache Generator

This module provides a GUI to manually generate entity cache for selected entity types.

Responsive Image Preload

The goal of this module is to provide a mechanism to help improve the Largest Contentful Paint web vital metric.

Minify HTML

Cleaning up my old Drupal 7 code that I don't use anymore and don't feel the need of picking it up for a D9 or D10 port.

Views Lazy Load

This module provides a views display extender that lazy loads the contents of a view via AJAX.

Asynchronous Prefetch Database Query Cache

A pretty darn quick cache. Uses asynchronous connections & prefetching to speed up cache calls & eliminate deadlocks & metadata locks on the cache tables.

Autocomplete Limit Length

Allows the site administrator to specify a minimum length for autocomplete strings, to stop autocomplete from running SQL queries with potentially huge result sets.
