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This module lets you embed a RedHen Contact form on any page(s) of your website (using core Block module, Context, or probably even Panels). This form has a configurable title, button text (CTA), button action, and confirmation message. Button actions can be dynamically pulled from a File or Link field associated with the entity on whose page the form is embedded, or a static URL (or go nowhere at all).

In addition to creating (or updating) a RedHen Contact, form submissions create Redhen Lead records, which associate Contacts with content entities (implying "this contact participated in, downloaded, etc. this piece of content), allowing you to analyze content/campaign conversions and performance. RedHen Leads are themselves fieldable, so you can segment on whatever axes you define.

On the simpler side of things, you can use this module to gate access to downloads, whitepapers, software trials, etc. for organic or paid search traffic. With a little bit of work, this module enables advanced use-cases like lead scoring based on past behavior, or triggering nurture campaigns based on specific behaviors.

Architectural details

  • Introduces a "Lead" record entity.
  • A lead consists at its base of a RedHen Contact and a lead "entity source,"
  • Leads are fieldable (for example, you could add and track campaigns via a campaign field, non-entity-based lead sources, keywords, etc).
  • Includes a "lead form" module for basic lead generation capabilities.
    • Lead forms combine RedHen Contact fields and Lead fields into a single form (creating a Lead record and Contact entity at the same time upon successful form completion)
    • Each defined form has a corresponding form block, able to be placed with normal Drupal block placement or via Context,
    • Form actions, titles, CTAs, and confirmation messages are configurable per form
    • Form actions can be static (redirect to a pre-defined URL), or dynamic (redirect to a link or file field present on the page on which it's embedded),
    • Lead forms are exportable (e.g. features support)
  • Integrates with Views for basic analytics/segmentation

This module is compatible with RedHen CRM 7.x-1.6 and higher.

Project information
