
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Allows users to preview the content they are referencing when editing a node-reference field. When the user selects a reference, a preview of the node is displayed inline under the field. This module current only works with node-references with the auto-complete widget - although support for other references (user, data, etc.), and other widgets will be coming.

Out of the box this module allows you to do a preview using either the full node, or a node teaser. If mini-panels is installed, you can use any of your mini-panels as your preview!


This module only works on node-references using the auto-complete widget. To configure, go to the field-configuration page and click "Enable Reference Preview". You may then select the type of preview (full-node, node-preview, or mini-panel). Only mini-panels that have "node" as one of their required contexts can be used, so you should set this up first.

2.x Branch

The 2.x branch contains various bug fixes, reworking how settings are stored, and increases amount of widgets work with it. However, it needs further testing.

Related Modules

Node Relationships - Reference Preview works great with Node-Relationships. It allows you to have buttons (as in the screenshot above) for manually adding, editing, or browsing for nodes when creating a reference.


This module was created with gracious support from the Coastal Guardian Watchmen Network. The idea for this module was unashamedly plucked from Node-Reference Explorer.

Project information
