Want to guard against spam? Want to make sure sensitive information isn't easily nabbed by an automated script?

Use Enkoder for Drupal! This uses the logic behind Hivelogic's Enkoder to encode any field or arbitrary text in a recursively self-evaluating block of javascript, foiling all but the hardiest of spambots.

You can use this to harden any text-based field and this module also exposes a general-purpose php function (sclib_enkoder) for your own custom uses.

This module is supported by time from the Sierra Club.

Why use this?

In my examination of the Drupal module landscape, SPAM-hardening solutions either tend to be focused on forms (like CAPTCHA) or provide very limited email encoding (such as by providing HTML entity encoding or exposing an input filter).

By using this module, you

  1. can arbitrarily harden any core text field, even ones that don't use an input filter
  2. can arbitrarily harden any text, not just things look like email addresses.
  3. get a much more robust hardening solution. Data shows that spambots can still handle simple email obfuscation techniques (such as simple foo(at)bar(dot)com or HTML entity encoding), but requiring spambots to recursively evaluate javascript (upwards of twenty iterations)—a task trivial for web browsers—is going to block all but the most non-trivial of attempts (essentially requiring an actual human to do actual copy-pasting).
  4. have an easy-to-use php function to integrate sclib_enkoder() into your own custom module and theme solutions

How to use

Simply install this module and manage the display of your fields on any content type. Check the well-documented admin help page. For most people, this should be plug-and-play.

Project information
