Example settings menu link page.

Provides a menu link that generates an overview page of the sub menu items.

Use the settings menu link items to generate settings pages just like /admin/config. The settings menu link items can be nested. When nested, the nested item displays as a block (and render its children) on the parent settings page. Difficult? just give it a try and nest some items...

We use this module to easily generate a 'settings' page for users who are not admins, but have multiple settings pages (profile, account, my content, newsletters).


  • Install and enable the module as usual.
  • Go to the menu items list of the menu you want to use (e.g. admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu)
  • Click 'Add settings link' to add a settings menu link.
  • You can use any path, but be aware! Existing paths will be overriden.
  • Save and maintain as as usual, just like other menu items.


A permission is added 'administer settings menu link'. Users with that permission can always access the page that is generated, even when there are no items for that user.

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