Textfield to slider

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module will provide you a form element which changes a textfield (with a numeric value) to a slider.

The textfield to slider module depends on the module jquery_plugin alongside with the jquery plugins ui.core and ui.slider.

For installation instructions and usage read INSTALL.txt and the help section of the module.


Currently the required module jQuery Plugin Handler is still in development. This module is used to centralize jQuery plugins so that several modules can use the same plugins. If the module is called to load a plugin for the first time, all found plugins are stored in cache. The problem with this is when a plugin isn't named correctly, and thus isn't found, the path to the plugin won't be stored in cache. The following patch will clear cache if a plugin isn't found. #349091: Clear cache if a file doesn't exist

Project information
