This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module provides minimal entity type that is fieldable with absolutely zero extraneous functionality.

Why would you want to use this when node module enables you to create as many custom content types as you want?
Downside that i find difficult to overcome with node entity is there are too many modules that depend on it and force added functionality that you don't always want, and it gets worse when you cannot disable the added functionality. What if you want to use a custom content type to store information that is not meant for public "content consumption"? too bad! you cant with node (or at least i found no easy way to prevent that). Your custom node type will appear in search results, have comments attached to it (minimal metadata when comments are disabled), etc etc etc. I didn't want any of that and was fed up with not being able to turn off unwanted extra functionality on node types, so i created this module to provide a way to create custom content types without any extraneous functionality, unless explicitly added via fields.

Important notice

While module is currently in usable shape, it is not yet in optimal quality.
This is my first ever attempt at writing custom entity implementation and i am still learning.
While this "important notice" is here you should read it as: I don't fully know what i am doing yet, do not trust this module in your production environment.
I will remove this notice once i feel module is in good shape.

Project information
