This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


Songkick is one of the main platforms for music events online and events added to the platform also appear on services like Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud and many more.

This module has been created to give site admins an easy way to display events from artists that are relevant to site without having to maintain their own event database.

The module renders Songkick events in blocks. Each block accepts an artist ID making it possible to use multiple blocks to display events from multiple artists on a single site. It's possible to display upcoming and/or past events on each block, and there's also a field for specifying css classes for the 'more details' link to the event on


The block_content module in Core is required by this module


Having an API key for Songkick is a prerequisite for using the module. You can apply for one here.


There's a dedicated issue to keep track of the issue cue priorities here. Please consider contributing where you can.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
