This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This project provides a Drush command that allows you to run Coder reviews on specified files. You can run this command on any files on your system and they do not need to be part of a Drupal site.


Download and install drush command, you can install it for yourself like this:

drush dl --destination=$HOME/.drush standalone_coder_review


To review the files in a directory called 'source', run:

drush standalone-coder-review --files=source --output-filename=review.xml

This will save the results of the review into the 'review.xml' file.

How it works

The first time you run this command it will provision a minimal Drupal 7 site for itself in a temporary directory and install the coder module in it. This site will then be used to run the coder review command on the files selected.
If you run this command multiple times, and the temporary Drupal 7 site is still around then it will be re-used and not re-installed. In practice this means that most times you run this command it'll run very quickly.


  • Drush.
  • You must the have same PHP extensions installed as you would need for Drupal 7, these are listed on the requirements page. You will need the PHP SQLite extension installed for the database.

About the Developers

This project is currently maintained by developers at ComputerMinds - visit us at We at ComputerMinds pride ourselves on offering quality Drupal training, Drupal development and Drupal consulting. Go Drupal!

Project information

  • Created by Steven Jones on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
