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The Node Taxonomy Manager (called the taxman) provides a "pretty" interface for taxonomy editing, and a set of tools to integrate with node profiles, allowing users to "add this tag to my profile".

This module adds a new url, node/[nid]/taxman, to facilitate the adding and removing of taxonomy terms in a themeable manner. This page is also available in a themeable block which could be added to a page.

NodeProfile Integration

This module was designed to allow users to manage their "interests". The "tagger" element of the module provides a block that will be displayed at taxonomy urls, providing links to "add this to my interests" or "remove this from my interests". Multiple types of node profile are supported and the action text can be managed for each one.

Current Limitations

Although the taxman can be used on any node type, there is currently a little too much focus on node profiles. Some work needs to be done to provide extra flexibility for non profile nodes.

If users are allowed to have more than one profile of the same type.... I don't know what would happen.

Usage Examples

This module has been developed for School of Everything to manage subjects on "profiles". Users can manage different types of profiles for subjects to learn or teach, and we embed the manager in different ways. If you create a user on the site, you will immediately be taken to a profile with an example. A high level description of how this module was initially developed and implemented is available at

A you can find an example on my school of everything profile that shows the "non-edit" view of the taxonomy listing, and the tagger which will encourage you to tag yourself.


This module uses taxonomy_api to perform the taxonomy management.

Project information
