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Text Long Pager module provides a filed formatter for Text long and Text long and summary fields that allows to split field content into pages.

It supports multiple paginated fields in the same page and does not require any specific site setup.

How it works

  1. Create a Text long or Text long and summary filed in any entity bundle
  2. Go to "Manage display" tab and select "Text Long Pager" formatter, then customize the pager labels if necessary
  3. Crate a new entity and introduce the following HTML comment to create page breaks: <!--text-long-pagebreak-->
  4. Save the entity and visit the entity page

CKEditor support

  1. This module includes a submodule called Text Long Pager CKEditor that provides CKEditor integration, so any editor can include page breaks from the CKEditor toolbar.
  2. Enable Text Long Pager CKEditor module
  3. Visit the CKEditor profile configuration page
  4. Enable the Plugin for inserting Text Long Page Break plugin
  5. Edit any entity and add page breaks using this icon:
Supporting organizations: 
textlongpagebreak.png212 bytes

Project information
