Subscriptions view with actions
Unsubscribe page
Settings page

Total Subscription provides functionality which would allow the user to subscribe to node pages, taxonomy terms, etc. The main feature which distinguishes it from other subscription modules is that it allows subscription for Anonymous along with Authenticated users.

Total Subscription provides users the ability to:

  • Subscribe to a specific content type through the node page.
  • Subscribe to the related taxonomy terms associated with the node on the node page.
  • Subscribe to a specific taxonomy term from the term page.
  • Unsubscribe from any previous subscription.
  • Add a separate ctools content type - "subscription", which could be integrated with any panel page.
  • Add a "subscription" block to the any region.
  • Add a "AND subscription" block to the any region.


You also can use this modules (these dependencies is not required, but

  1. Views Bulk Operations - to delete several subscriptions at once.
  2. Mime Mail - to send HTML content emails.
  3. Shorten URLs - to shorten subscribe/unsubscribe urls.
  4. CAPTCHA - to prevent anonymous subscribing by bots.

Email Trigger

Email will be triggered thrice in the process:

  • During anonymous Subscription.
  • After Content Published.
  • During Unsubscription.

You can play around with hook_mail_alter along with t function for inserting dynamic link.

Future Plans

  • Expecting feature requests from community.
  • Porting this module to Drupal 8.

Extra Features

  • Shorten integration: By default, TinyURL service is used. You can configure any shortening provider. Just install Shorten module and set checkbox in settings.
  • HTML Mail: if you wish to send HTML mail then just install Mime Mail module and set checkbox in settings.
    1. The key for verification mail for anonymous user subscription is total_subscription_message
    2. The key for sending mail while content publication is total_subscription_node_message
  • Views Integration is also available. Relevant data is exposed in views which would help in compiling reports useful for analtyics.
  • This module is fully GDPR-compliant.


  • Subscriptions: module provides the following features which are not there in Total Subscriptions, namely it allows subscription to new comments in specific forums, or additions to some category of blog. More control on subscription management for user. Users can also set an auto-subscribe function which notifies the user if anyone comments on posts they have made which can be turned off by admin. But the biggest disadvantage of this module is it does not allow anonymous users to subscribe, which this module provide. We also have views and token integration.
  • Newsletter: People subscribe to differerent mailing lists not valid for anonymous users. So multiple newsletters, great stats and customisable. But it does not allow subscription to categories and nodes.
  • SimpleNews: People subscribe to differerent mailing lists, which even anonymous users can. Again, it does not allow subscription to categories and nodes.

For documentation, Please read


Project information
