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User List provides an API to extend the User Administration user list (admin/user/user) by adding filters and data columns.

The module adds one filter and data column through its own API that may help account administration: last access time. Options are provided to hide or reformat several of the default data columns so that the display does not become overly crowded.

User List displays badge icons to visually indicate commonly needed information for administration: Account blocked, New account, and Account online. These badges may optionally be displayed on user profile pages to user's with "administer users" or "view badge icons" access permission.

User List is packaged with three optional modules to extend its functionality.

  • User List Flag Account: accounts can be flagged and filtered with badge icons
  • User List Node Count: number of nodes created by users displayed and filtered
  • User List TAC Lite: Taxonomy Access Control Lite terms displayed and filtered

Note that this module is not associated with User List by Aaron Winborn.

Update: 2011-05-09

The project is being marked obsolete since most of the functionality can be reproduced in Views (2.x added user, aggregation support) in combination with Views Bulk Operations and Flag. Anything project-specific could/should be accomplished with a custom views handler.

User List API
Module developers can extend the User Administration user list by including a userlist callback handler in their module.

function MODULE_userlist() {
  return array(
    'KEY' => array(                  //required: key must be unique

      'table' => "TABLENAME",        //required

      'field' => "FIELDNAME",        //required

      'join' => "FIELD2NAME = 1",    //optional: userlist joins tables on uid
                                     //additional criteria for the join such
                                     //as fid if joining profile_values

      'aggregate' => "COUNT",        //optional: aggregate function COUNT, 
                                     //AVG, SUM, MAX, or MIN for field
                                     //userlist will group by u.uid and
                                     //convert any filter WHERE to HAVING

      'filter' => array(             //optional: filter is not required, for
                                     //example if only adding data column

        'title' => 'FILTER_TITLE',   //required

        'operator' => ">",           //optional: comparison operator
                                     //default is greater than ">"

        'arg' => '%d',               //required: typically %d or %s

        'options' => array(),        //required: key=>value for select

        'callback' => 'FUNC_FILTER', //optional: userlist will callback this
                                     //function with selected key, return
                                     //array of new key value and operator

      'data' => array(               //optional: data is not required, for
                                     //example if only adding new filter

        'title' => 'COL_TITLE',      //required: name of column

        'callback' => 'FUNC_DATA'    //optional: userlist will callback this
                                     //function with $row object which includes
                                     //u.uid,, u.status, u.created, 
                                     //u.access, and any other fields from 
                                     //query, return new value for column
                                     //Note that providing a callback will 
                                     //make data column non-sortable

Known Issues
User List includes a query builder that helps extend the User Administration user list in most circumstances, but will never be as robust or optimized as a query crafted by hand. For more complex user reporting requirements, another recommended solution would be using Usernode in combination with Views.

Module development sponsored by LifeWire, a service of, a part of The New York Times Company.

Icons were created by Mark James and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Project information
