The goal of the value module is to make field values easily accessible inside Twig templates.

$variables['_article'] = [
    'nid' => 1,
    'title' => 'Minus veritatis rem tenetur hic repellendus fugit.',
    'created' => 1538956800,
    'field_foo' => 'bar',
    'field_author' => [
      'uid' => 1,
      'name' => 'john',
      'field_company' => 'ACME Inc',
      'field_picture' => [
        'uri' => 'public://profiles/john.jpg',
        'url' => '',
        'alt' => 'Tempora magni blanditiis maxime inventore.',
    'field_categories' => [
        'tid' => 1,
        'name' => 'Lipsum',
        'description' => 'Quod id aspernatur laboriosam fugiat totam.'


  • Text fields: {{ _article.title }}
  • Text with summary: {{ _artile.body.value }} or {{ artile.body.summary }} for the summary.
  • Link: {{ _article.field_link.url }}
  • Image: <img src="{{ _article.field_image.url }} alt="{{ _article.field_image.alt }}" />
  • Reference: {{ value(_article.field_author).field_name }}
  • And more...


The value module also ships with some helpful Twig filters.

  • Image style: {{ _article.field_image.uri|image_style('thumbnail') }}
  • Markup: {{ _article.body|markup }} for rendering safe HTML markup.
  • Truncate: {{ _article.title|truncate(10) }} will truncate title to 10 characters.
  • Words: {{ _article.title|words(5) }} will truncate title to 5 words.
  • Pick: {{ _article|pick(['field_name', 'field_author']) }} to pick some values only.
  • Where: {{ _array|where('foo') }} will return an array with foo values only or {{ _ages|where(12, '>') }} will return an array where ages are greater than 12..
  • Rename keys: {{ _article|rename_keys(field_title: 'title') }} to rename keys.

See an example for |pick and |rename_keys here.

Important changes in the 8.x-2.x branch

1. The 8.x-2.x release for the value module changes how entity reference fields are serialized. This is now opt-in instead of being done automatically for you.

The EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizer now returns simple values for target_id, target_type..etc which you can now feed to a Twig value() function to get field values back.

Example: (assumes an article node type referencing an author entity type).

Before (8.x-1.x)

{{ _article.field_author.field_job_title }}

After (8.x-2.x)

{{ value(_article.field_author).field_job_title }}

2. id has been renamed to target_id

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