Fig.1 Sample timeline views page
Fig. 2 Choose Vertical Timeline Style
Fig. 3 Choose Vertical Timeline Row Style
Fig. 4 Advance configuration of Timeline
Fig. 5 Field Mapping

Drupal vertical timeline module:

Module Pre-requisites
1. Library
2. views 3
3. Timeliner Jquery Plugin by tecknoratek -
4. Jquery_update (needed to update to jquery version 1.7)

Vertical Timeline is a customizable content-slider plugin for jQuery 1.7
The module allows the integration of vertical timeline into drupal.
The jQuery Plugin can be found here:



The views Plugin:

* Provides a views display-style that integrates all options provided by jQuery plugin.
* Provides a views row-plugin, where you can add the fields of the view.

Follow instructions in INSTALL.txt.

How To:
1. Lets use the pre-configured article content type make sure you have contents in you site.(you may use devel to generate your contents)
2. Create a View make sure you set "Views Vertical Timeline" as display format. See figure #2.
3. Set your Row Style format to "Views Vertical Timeline". See figure #3
4. Configure your "Views Vertical Timeline" display format:
see figure #4.
a. timeline_container
b. base_peed
c. speed
d. start_state
e. etc..
5. Configure your "Views Vertical Timeline" row style format:
see above figure #5.
a. Map your title, body, date, image and node id, make sure you have added the necessary fields to be mapped.

Project information
