This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

== Introduction ==

The voipnumber_verification.module is a module which adds verification capabilities to
VoIP Number Fields by sending an SMS message with a random-generated 4-digit code. In future versions we plan to add verification via Phone calls, too.

In particular, this module provides:

- a new VoIP Number Field option, which can be found under
Field Settings -> VoIP Number Verification

== Installation ==

  1. Extract voipnumber_verification.module to your sites/all/modules directory.
  2. Enable the VoIP Number Verification module in admin/build/modules.
  3. Make sure you have configured VoIP Drupal
    with at least one VoIP Provider in order to be able to send SMS messages with verification code.

== Using VoIP Number Verification ==

  1. Go to Field Settings of existing VoIP Number Field or create new
    VoIP Number Field
  2. Check "Must be verified" checkbox in order to require Number verification for this field. Optionally change Verification text.
  3. Create new content. Now you will see "Verify number via SMS" button next to VoIP Number Field. Enter the Phone Number and then press the button. You should receive SMS with 4-digit code. Use it to verify number in next step.
  4. When you clicked button in step 3, you should see textfield where you should enter the verification code. Enter the code you received in SMS and click submit. If the code is correct you should see "Your number has been verified" message.
  5. Save the content. Entered number will be saved in database as "verified".

The VoIP Number Verification module has been originally developed by Tamer Zoubi under the sponsorship of Terravoz.

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsored and developed original version of the module

Project information
