XML to KML: Data Settings

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XML to KML allows you to generate KML data from existing XML documents such as RSS feeds. This KML data can be downloaded by visitors and opened in Google Earth™, allowing your site's news to be displayed geographically.

Why would I want to use XML to KML?
XML to KML allows you to display your site's news in a new and intuitive way. Visitors will be able to read your news stories directly in Google Earth™ according the the location of the story. Your news will be displayed in a way similar to the way New York Times news is displayed in Google Earth™.

What kinds of XML data can be used?
Any valid XML data can be used to generate a KML document. This includes RSS feeds and hand-coded XML data. The only prerequisite is that the XML contains the following data somewhere in its structure:
-Story Title
-Story Body
-Story Location (in the format lon,lat)

XML to KML requires PHP 5. This is due to the module's use of the SimpleXML library, which is not available in previous versions of PHP.

Project information
