Bootstrap - Compass Screenshot

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

A Compass-based subtheme of

Based on Thomas McDonald's

Info on standard Bootstrap subtheme:

Dependancies:, bootstrap-sass, compass, jquery_update (1.7 enabled)

Installation notes:

  • Download this theme along with the 3.x bootstrap theme
  • Download and enable jquery_update
  • admin/config/development/jquery_update, set to jquery 1.7

This project is meant to serve as a shortcut for setting up a Bootstrap subtheme and using Compass SASS instead of LESS. This should decrease the complexity of setting up a subtheme, and relies on fewer modules (you do not need the lessphp library, nor the less module).

Once you've got this theme installed along with the core Bootstrap theme, simply navigate to the compass-project directory and run '$ compass watch' from the command line (or use any other SASS compiling tool of your choice).

Please use the 7.x-3.x for Bootstrap 3.x, and the 7.x-2.x branch for Bootstrap 2.x
The 7.x-2.x branch is stable and working well.
7.x-3.x has a couple of issues I'm working to resolve still

Project information

  • Created by bdanin on , updated