Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project integrates Drupal with Recurly, a subscription billing service that takes the headache out of subscription management.
It is an alternative to Recurly project: it does the same by another way. Instead of using external Recurly PHP Client it makes use of Recurly API with the help of amazing Web Service Client project.



The advantages of such approach are:

  • Configurable service definition: Some requests definitions are included as an example - no additional coding needed, you could add other requests definitions via UI.
  • Fully Views integration: Module contains query plugin for each operation for each defined service. Fully-functional view ‘recurly_accounts’ is included as an example - no additional coding needed, you could create your own views for other requests via Views UI.
  • Fully Rules integration: Each defined via UI Recurly request is Rules action and each defined Recurly data type is Rules data type.
  • No data is stored locally: so no synchronization troubles.


  • Wsclient
  • Libraries
    Please note!: The migration is in process. The module is fully-functional though there is still a lot of code working "old-way". When all the functionality will be migrated from relying on Recurly PHP Client to relying on Wsclient - the required dependency on Libraries will be removed.


Please see included .make-file as installation instruction: http://drupalcode.org/sandbox/Staratel/2064987.git/blob/refs/heads/7.x-1... .

Project information

  • Created by PatchRanger on , updated