Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Categorized content menu (ccm) gives you a way to organize and display your content types without requiring another module such as Views.
Get a quick overview of what it does by visiting its homepage.
Categorized Content Menu adds the following functionalities to its indexed content types :

  • A "Categorie" taxonomy field with autocomplete tagging
  • A module configuration form which lets you index content types with an associated path.
  • The content type indexed path is then used as a url path (via hook_menu) pointing to teasers for corresponding content types or types filtered by a categorie.
  • For exemple you index the content type "Article" with articles, and create an "Article" node with its "Categorie" field set to "Programming". It will appear as a teaser with every other "Article" in http://mysite.tld/articles or with "Programming" related articles only via http://mysite.tld/articles/programming.
  • Optionally, you can automatically create main-menu links for indexed content types. These links will be pointing to content types indexed path.
  • In the above exemple where "Article" type is indexed with "articles" path, a main-menu link named "Articles" (ucfirst indexed path) will be linking to the url http://mysite.tld/articles.
  • A block will be available containing categories links obtained from all "Categorie" taxonomy terms with existing published content.
  • The block displays categories related to current displayed content type. The current content type is retrieved from the url (indexed path in hook_menu) or from the current node type. If the current page is not categorized (ex: homepage) then all categories are displayed.
  • Inside the block, a select list lets the user change the content type for which categories links are being displayed, an ajax request does it.
  • The module is compatible with i18n module

The point of this module is to satisfy my need for having views filtered by both content types and taxonomy terms. I failed to do so with Views 3 (lacking proper documentation at this time) so I began the development of this module to learn how Drupal function. It pretty much fills the need I had and the result can be seen at http://old.ifzenelse.net.

New (January 12) : ccm sitemap submodule added, it give the possibility to add a sitemap page to the website, which keep links toward every nodes. The sitemap organize content by categories (from ccm indexed types) and configuration fields are added to content types and nodes to set their visibility in the sitemap.

Project information