Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Create database is a Drupal installation profile that allows database creation at install time.
When installing a new Drupal site, users should create a database using a variety of methods depending of the hosting environment they're in. This can be a difficult process for unexperienced or unskilled users and may frustrate them. This profile tries to address this by adding a "Create database" checkbox in Drupal database settings form.

This install profile is based on an (hopefully) upcoming Drupal 8 feature request patch. See issue #203955: Create database at installation time for more info. You can also help there to make it go into 8.x.
Profile supports mysql and pgsql database drivers, but only the 'mysql' database driver has been tested. PostgreSQL is still untested. Feedback/bug reports are welcome at the issue queue.
Profile may automatically enable modules and themes if present by customizing dbcreate.enable (see file for info).

If you are a Drush user, get the makefile.


  • Test profile under 'pgsql' driver.
  • Add DB admin user/pass. Currently, we take for granted permission for creating new databases and this may not be always the case.

Warning: this installation profile uses a method described in #1153646: Installation profile should be able to use hook_form_alter() on install_settings_form() to alter database settings form. Ensure that no other profile using the same method is installed alongside this one or Drupal will crash.

Project information

  • Created by amontero on , updated