Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Update: This sandbox project has been merged into Boxes translation. This sandbox will stay around for 6.x support until a 6.x release is prepared on the merged project.

This module adds a new Boxes class that runs the block title and block content through the i18nstrings module. Which is to say, this will allow for exportable blocks that can also be localized using the i18n modules.

You need i18nboxes when

You have blocks with predefined content. You want those blocks to be exportable (to be managed by Features, for example), so you choose the Boxes module. But you also need to have these blocks be translated into other languages. The core block implementation is supported by the i18nblocks module (part of the i18n suite), but Boxes is not. ... Well, until now.


Project information

  • Created by benclark on , updated