Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

GlewTiles is a port of DropTiles code to Drupal 7 as a theme with active Modern UI tiles similar to Windows 8. The current development version includes tiles for service at glew.org.uk but these can be customised in the Tiles.js and AppStore.js files.

The theme currently works in Chrome and Firefox browsers with some development still required for Safari and IE9+ (IE8 support is also targeted). It includes a Tiles AppStore where custom tiles can be added to the main UI by the user.

Drupal Blocks can also be rendered inside live tiles and the Modern UI is planned for pages which are not part of the main UI.

Currently the following pages are themes for GlewTiles

- custom template .tpl file for front page with Tiles
custom RSS readers (currently with hard coded feeds but will be user customisable)
App Library sits in this space.

Other developers are welcome to assist with the debugging of JavaScript, integrating into Drupal Administration and assisting with responsive development. Feature requests also very welcome.

Project information

  • Created by charlie_love on , updated