Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


This Drupal 6 module effectively creates a site-wide Views exposed filter for taxonomy terms. It creates an "exposed" View term filter displayed in a block as a <select>. One block can be created per vocabulary, then the filter used on multiple Views.

It was created in the Summer of 2010 for a client project. It has been tested and is currently running in a high traffic environment. I'll continue development if it is found useful for other sites. Let me know. Note: There are todo comments at the top of the module file.


Each enabled taxonomy creates a block containing a
field listing the terms and a submit button. A View is created using a filter titled "Term default" and optionally a cache titled "Time-based Per Term".

When the form submitted, the selected term is saved as their default. When they access a View, their default term for the selected vocabulary is used to filter the View. Any number of Views can use the same filter.

Example use

Allow the user to select their current location, and filter to only show content related to that location.


  1. Taxonomy


  1. Session API: http://drupal.org/project/session_api


If you are using Varnish and the Sessions API, you'll need to handle issues with anonymous users sessions.

Project information