Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The main idea of the module is to provide an option to override tag ad zone set in the DART configuration page based on specific term.

Important: This module uses term description field to store ad zone information.

Use case:

Adops people ask you to change the ad zone for specific tag page on the website. In order to do that with Dart zone module you need:

- enable DART support for that specific vocabulary. There is a checkbox on the very bottom of the vocabulary edit page (admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/[vid]).

- find that specific term, probably using Taxonomy Manager search functionality and provide your custom ad zone, for example sp.wanted.

After that if you go to that tag page (tag/wanted in the example) it should have sp.wanted zone. Every node tagged with wanted tag will also get that zone.

In case there are multiple ad tags associated with the node, the one with higher wight will be used as an ad zone.

This module depends on DART and Taxonomy Manager modules.

Project information

  • Created by gansbrest on , updated