Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

A simple node js group chat using the Now Js package. Yes I know about the Node JS integration module but it's currently in a state of flux and I need to get something working sooner than later. I hope to learn more about node js and perhaps contribute to the more robust Node JS Integration module.


  1. You have a node js instance running on same server as apache (and another port) or on another server
  2. You have installed the now js package for node js ($ npm install now)
  3. You copy chat.js to the node server and run it with $ node chat.js or $ sudo node chat.js
  4. You edit line 12 of the module nodejs and change the uri:port from '' to wherever your node js instance lives. Yes I know this should go into a settings form and user variable_set and variable_get - I will do that as soon as I can.
  5. Change line 6 of chat.js to the port you want node js to listen on currenly defaults to 8081

Project information

  • Created by ghankstef on , updated