Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Social space module provides an integrated view of user’s activities on various social networks using single sign-on. The current version of the module

supports Google, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and LinkedIn accounts.
This module enables the user to register and then login with any of the above listed social networks. Logged in users can consume the data feeds from social networks as well as post the data back.

-- Login Buttons Block --

When Social space module is enabled, please move the "Sign in with Social Space" block to appropriate section. This block lists login buttons for social sites.

-- Social Account --

It provides options for the user to add other accounts with their single account. It provides configuration options in User profile edit page for this. User can connect their individual account with Drupal user. It also provides option to remove linked accounts from list.

-- Social sites Feeds --

Based on permission set in admin section user can access there site feeds in Drupal. Additionally they can post back updates to the social site.
Facebook - It enables the user to list Facebook activity feeds in Drupal. Additionally user can post status update to the site and can like or comment on any post.

Twitter – It enables the user to import all home timeline feeds. Additionally user can send tweets back to twitter.
Foursquare – It imports user check-ins and comments. Additionally it enables the user to post comments on any check-in
Google – It enables the user to import Google+ feeds.
YouTube- It imports all user activity feeds. Additionally user can upload a video to YouTube from this module.
LinkedIn- It imports all the LinkedIn activity feeds for user. Additionally the user can post back to LinkedIn.

-- Head JS support --

This module provides option for user to use the Head.js support. This js library helps to load all site JavaScript in parallel resulting in improvement in the page performance and page loading time.


PHP 5.2 or higher versions.
Drupal 7.x.
Facebook PHP 3.x Library or higher: http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/ (OAuth 2.0 Support Now)
Facebook API key: http://www.facebook.com/developers/
Google PHP client http://google-api-php-client.googlecode.com/files/google-api-php-client-... or copy folder from “lib” folder provided with this

Google API Key: https://code.google.com/apis/console/
Foursquare API key: http://www.foursquare.com/oauth
LinkedIn API Key: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
Twitter API Key: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new


For installation please refer the readme.txt file.

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Created by ic-labs on , updated