Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module is a platform to allows site admins who do not have access to their website over the internet to remotely manage it via text messaging over the Twilio API in Drupal 7. Site admins can create 'commands' (i.e. creating a node with just one message) or they can signup for "triggers" messages (i.e. when a comment needs authorization ). Currently, the following commands have been created:
* (command) approved drush commands
* (command) creating a published node
* (command) creating an unpublished node
* (trigger) receive notifications of unapproved comments
* (command) approve unapproved comments
* (command) list of all commands

In the process of creating this module, patches for module "sms" and "sms_twilio" have been sent to the community for review to make them Drupal 7 compatible ( talk about 3 birds with one stone! ). The goal of this module is to make a suite of commands right out of the box that admins can use to manager their site.

Please give us some basic instructions for trying out what you built

I've created a "wizard" on the right hand side of the site: http://smsserver.thetechscouts.com that you can easily follow to test the different pieces ( I had my wife and my under 18 cousin do it, and they said it worked well for them )

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Created by mcpuddin on , updated