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Report Builder Interface


Report Builder helps narrow down and organize views results in a dynamic report. Report builder helps users to to create a table or chart with each data point sourced by an individual view. Each view has its own set of exposed filters which can be adjusted. This allows users to easily create graphs or tables that summarize drupal data, which they can reconfigure and play around with by changing the exposed filters.

Example Use Case

You're building a helpdesk ticket site for a client. The client wants to be able to generate reports of the ticket data and you don't want them mucking around in the views UI and messing up your delicate views. You generate a report builder view which totals all of the tickets. You add exposed filters for ticket priority, submitted date, and the 'assigned to' user. The client can then create any of the following reports as both tables and graphs:
-Total TIckets by Priority
-Total Tickets by Month
-# of Tickets Assigned to Each User.

Without the views UI!


Nothing special to do here. Install as you would any Drupal module. Report builder depends on:

Getting Started

Report builder includes a sample view with the Report Builder display type so you can see how a view could be set up. Generally the report builder views displays should have 1 field and 1 result with a set of exposed filters. Most likely "Use Aggregation" will be used to generate sums, averages, etc. Also included are 2 sample reports based on the view. Take a look at admin/structure/report-builder.

Known Issues

Report Builder should work well with all of the basic core form elements. Elements that are nested within other elements (i.e. the date API date picker within its container div) don't maintain their state in the report builder interface. It's in the pipeline!


1) Integrate the Entity API for more Drupaly entity goodness instead of homebrewed CRUD
2) Add a plugin system for display plugins (not just tables or Chart API charts)
3) Make reports have more than one row of data.


This module is maintained by mkadin. I would love to have some help if you're interested!

This module was developed with support from Merlin Education.

Project information
