Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

What is SASS Variables?

Provides the ability for site administrators to update theme layer SASS variables through a admin form. The intension of this module is to provide the a basic form that can then be customised to specific fields through other modules (eg. hook_form_alter to set a field as a color wheel instead of textfield).

How do I get started?

This module requires 3 simple steps.

  1. The directory for where SASS files are stored (for the default theme) is set in the configuration form.
  2. SASS Variables are added to the default themes .info file as such settings[sass_variable][background] = The color of the sites background
  3. The mixin is imported into the relevant SASS files. This can be done by adding @import "sass_variables"; to the beginning of the appropriate SASS file.


A demonstration can be found at the following url: http://youtu.be/Jvy0xxTLDIg

Works well with

- Sasson theme
- Currently SASS module only updates changed files meaning that the sass files that include the this mixin will not be updated. The following patch corrects this: http://drupal.org/node/1795252

Project information

  • Created by nick_schuch on , updated