Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is a module that improves on Meta tag and Views metatags.


- Ability to choose which content types use meta tags
- Ability to set maximum length for title and description fields, which are enforced in forms
- Two new tokens for trimmed down title and description, plus one example token for a custom field
- Contextual link to edit meta tags for views pages, as well as enforcement of maximum lengths as above.

The module is dependant on the module views_metatags. This is a sandbox module by Dave Reid (see link at top) and it's included in my project because I've added a few patches and also it can be hard to find for others so until that module goes public I'll keep including it in mine.

Known issues:
- Using tokens for Views meta description doesn't work.
- The "Characters remaining" text in forms is in Swedish. I'm afraid I haven't figured out yet how to get Drupal.t() to work in the javascript, please post a patch to get that fixed.

Project information

  • Created by ordermind on , updated