Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Entity tokenizer

Applies the Drupal token-system on all elements when viewing/editing an entity.

Example use-cases

  • You want to use tokens in labels when editing / viewing your entity.
  • You want to have tokens in other entity elements like field group.
  • You want to use tokens in default values of fields.

Be aware this is experimental, only use if you know what you're doing!

  • On complex entities (eg. nodes with field collections) its possible to get a WSOD.
  • On entities containing lots of content/fields your site performance can suffer extremely.
  • This module creates a Inclusive wall-time of 12% (displaying normal nodes) so don't use without caching.
  • Be sure only authorized users can use tokenized entites, as sensitive information could be spoofed very simple.


  1. Install as usual
  2. Edit the fields/display settings of the entity and check the entity tokenize boxes on entities you want to apply tokens
  3. Use tokens!

Project information