locating "hidden" PHP code

Hi everyone,

I've been working on our company website which was done by another company years ago and is still running Drupal 6. I've limped along with it and taught myself along the way, and kept it running.

DDEV local migrate

Hello everyone!
Using DEV I installed Drupal 8 and installed an old drupal 6 site locally.
I would like to migrate from D6 to D8 using Drush, but when I run the command

drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://db:db@ --legacy-root=http://mysite.ddev.site --configure-only 

I get this error:

Views - save instead of using update and override

I have seen several videos about how to use Views but are still a little confused and would ask:

Is it OK to make a change this way using ONLY save?:

View toilet_overview, displaying items of type Node.

Default - make changes and save
Admin/editor - make changes and save
All users - make changes and save

How to completely disable caching

Anybody knows how to completely disable caching in drupal 6, because I have selected no chaching yet still I have to press "clear cache" at admin/settings/performance otherwise pages are out of date.

Comment edit submit destination

When comment is edited submitted it redirects to the last page of the thread, where is the code that adds ?destination, I want to delete it because I want to stayon the same page, it's annoying in multi-page threads.

Menu divs rendering with different ID when running on XAMPP

I've copied my Drupal install to a local XAMPP server so I can work on it offline. For the most part it's rendering correctly but the main nav div IDs are different. This is causing the CSS not to load since it's looking for other IDs.

The live site looks like:

</div><!-- /header --> <div id="primary_nav_bar"> <div id="primary_nav">

But the XAMPP version looks like this:

</div> <!-- /header --> <div id="container" class="clear-block"> <div id="navigation" class="menu withprimary ">


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