Solving EntityMalformedException

 have a problem on Drupal 7 that I cannot solve myself but am willing to pay €400 for a solution.

You can see the problem at an error message on Entity Malformed Exception and below it a page without theming. I want my normal site back.

Let me know!

Solving EntityMalformedException:

I have a problem on Drupal 7 that I cannot solve myself but am willing to pay €400 for a solution.

You can see the problem at an error message on Entity Malformed Exception and below it a page without theming. I want my normal site back.

Let me know!

Backend change/update

Good morning,

I'd like to modify the backend in D7.99. In fact, it's difficult for me to have a clear view of how the website will look like, since I can't modify the blocks just clicking on them.

thank you

ayuda con la busqueda del super admin en drupal 7

Buenos días, tengo un sitio en drupal 7 pero el que creó el sitio no dejó documentación de las credenciales del multisitio y necesito ingresar para hacer las actualizaciones correspondientes. Tengo los archivos en el cpanel y la base de datos pero no encuentro la manera de abrir el admin del multisitio. 

Upgrade from D7.99 to D9

Good morning, 

how can I upgrade my D7 to D9? I haven't created any website yet (I have one but it's empty for the moment). 

Thank you!

Is there a module to import content (migrate) from CSV file to a Drupal 7 instance?

I found the migrate tools avaliable for Drupal 8, 9 and 10 and would like to know if there is something similar for Drupal 7. Thanks


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