Commerce PayPal Checkout

Get API credentials

1. Register your app at the PayPal Developer Portal

Go to the PayPal Developer Portal and log in with your PayPal credentials. Click on Log into Dashboard in the upper-right corner.

You will be directed to the My Apps & Credentials page. Scroll down to under the REST API Apps section, click Create App.

Picture Background Formatter

The Picture Background Formatter module creates an image field formatter that generates background image CSS code based on a Picture Mapping.

Simple background

Provides a simple interface to upload a background image.

Responsive Background Images

Responsive Background Images is an easy to use, simple helper module for making your background images responsive. It can be used with either static or slideshow background types, and will always fill the full window space with your image(s). The slideshow background effect is automatic with this module if you enable more than one image.

Simple background-image formatter

The Simple background-image formatter module allows image fields to be formatted as a background image on a html tag.


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