Picture Module Documentation

The Picture module allows you to manage images in Drupal sites that are using Responsive Design. The module provides an interface to map existing image styles to breakpoints. The Picture module is a backport of the Drupal 8 solution for responsive images, and promises to provide a smooth upgrade path.


Recommended to download the latest version as usual. This version doesn't use JavaScript to detect the device width, but uses a picture tag and full media queries.

Module dependencies

  1. Breakpoints
  2. Ctools

Install and enable

  1. Place all the modules in: your sites/all/modules directory; or your sites/[my site]/modules directory.
  2. Enable the modules at: admin/modules


1. Configure your theme

After you have all the modules enabled and ready to go, start with theme configuration. You set the breakpoints for view ports in your theme’s .info file.

breakpoints[mobile] = (min-width: 0px)
breakpoints[narrow] = (min-width: 560px)
breakpoints[wide] = (min-width: 851px)
breakpoints[tv] = only screen and (min-width: 3456px)

Configuration (Drupal 6)


  • Create a new content type, or reuse existing one
  • Add a new number/integer field for this content type (require Number module, shipped with CCK): go to admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/fields (D6) or admin/structure/types/manage/NODETYPE/fields (D7)
  • Select the format "Selected answer" for this field in the "Display fields" section: admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/display (D6) or admin/structure/types/manage/NODETYPE/display (D7).
  • Go to the Q/A settings page (admin/settings/question_answer in D6 and admin/config/question_answer in D7) and select the content type/field name above.
  • That's all!

Question expiration

You can set the expiration time for each question. After this time, the reply with the most votes will be automatically selected as the answer.

  • Go to the Q/A content type, create a new field "duration"
    • Type: Integer (D7: List (Integer))
    • Widget: Select list
    • In the configure page, enter prefined time in second, for example (unlimited, 1 day, 7 days and 30 days):
      0|No expiration
      86400|1 day
      604800|1 week
      2592000|1 month
    • Select the format "Remaining time" for this field in the "Display fields" section: admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/display (D6).

Configuration (Drupal 7)


  • Create a new content type, or reuse existing one
  • Add a new number/integer field for this content type (require Number module, shipped with CCK): go to admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/fields (D6) or admin/structure/types/manage/NODETYPE/fields (D7)
  • Select the format "Selected answer" for this field in the "Display fields" section: admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/display (D6) or admin/structure/types/manage/NODETYPE/display (D7).
  • Go to the Q/A settings page (admin/settings/question_answer in D6 and admin/config/question_answer in D7) and select the content type/field name above.
  • That's all!

Question expiration

You can set the expiration time for each question. After this time, the reply with the most votes will be automatically selected as the answer.

  • Go to the Q/A content type, create a new field "duration"
    • Type: Integer (D7: List (Integer))
    • Widget: Select list
    • In the configure page, enter prefined time in second, for example (unlimited, 1 day, 7 days and 30 days):
      0|No expiration
      86400|1 day
      604800|1 week
      2592000|1 month
    • Select the format "Remaining time" for this field in the "Display fields" section: admin/content/node-type/NODETYPE/display (D6).


Storm is a project management application for Drupal.

It consists of a set of modules as follows: Storm (base module), Organizations, Projects, Tasks, Teams, Tickets, Timetrackings, People, Notes, Invoices and Expenses.

For all bug reports, support and feature requests, please use the issues queue.

Each of these provides permissions to control the sharing of data with other users and organizations, and link together - for example, an invoice can be associated with an organization and project.

All components are nodes, so can be extended as follows:

  • CCK can be used to add more fields to the Storm content types
  • Views can build customised views
  • Taxonomy (core) can be used to tag the contents of the Storm nodes
  • Upload (core) can be used to attach files to Storm nodes
  • Comments (core) can be used to permit comments on each of the Storm nodes


  1. Details of modules included in Storm package
  2. FAQs


Storm (base module)


The Asset module proposes a new approach to the media management in Drupal, resolving a long-standing problem of reusable media files (images, videos, documents, etc) that evolved into the problem of reusable media content (images/videos/documents/etc with the attached content like description/licence/etc).

Converting an Existing Site to Use an Install Profile

This assumes your current site is running Drupal 7. If you are still using Drupal 6, upgrade the Drupal 7 using the normal upgrade process.

Once a site is already running D7, download the install profile. Replace the sites directory in the install profile w/ your Drupal 7 site's site directory.

cp -R sites ../cm_starterkit_moderate

Using the Devel module or PHP filter in a node, execute...

variable_set('install_profile', 'cm_starterkit_moderate');

Using mysql or phpMyAdmin, run

UPDATE system SET status = '1' WHERE name = 'cm_starterkit_moderate';

Remove any modules, themes, and libraries you had added to sites/all that now exist is profiles/cm_starterkit_moderate

If you've already implemented CiviCRM, you'll need to follow the steps for moving CiviCRM to a new location.

If everything is correct, you should see Community Media Starter Kit (Moderate) (cm_starterkit_moderate-7.x-1.xx) in admin/reports/status.


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