Configuring group permissions and roles

The Group module comes with its own set of configurable roles and permissions. For each group you can specify appropriate permissions, and this for various "roles" that are specific to the Group module (these roles are not the typical/global roles of a typical Drupal site).

Additional resources

Additional resources (demos, tutorials, etc), about the Group module are available throughout the net. This page contains an inventory of them.

Group Invite

This documentation page details the steps required to get started with Group Invite, a sub-module of the Group module.

This sub-module invites users to join a group. They have to accept, by going to their account page, to the Group tab, and there accept the invitation (or through a custom notification you send). This permission can be given to site administrators/community managers, or delegated to group administrators.

For a D8 port, see #2801603: Site admin or Group admin should be able to invite users to the group.

Permissions (Drupal 8)

After enabling the module and creating some domains go to Administration > People > Permissions ( to configure the module permissions.


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